RE: Binärer Nordstream 2 Call
| 09.09.2022, 17:57 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 09.09.2022, 17:57 von Lancelot.)(09.09.2022, 13:45)jf2 schrieb: NS2 Verschrottung war ein Versagen Putins? Doch wohl eher ein Meisterwerk der Amerikaner.
Der BAU von NS2 ist quasi eine Manifestierung von Putins versagen. So quasi.
Ich messe ihn an dem, was er seiner Bevölkerung selbst 1999 versprochen hat.
3.2. To pursue an energetic industrial policy. The future of the country, the quality of the Russian economy in the 21st century will depend above all on progress in the spheres that are based on high technologies and produce science-intensive commodities. For 90% of economic growth is ensured today by the introduction of new achievements and technologies. The government is prepared to pursue an economic policy of priority development of industries that lead in the sphere of research and technological progress. The requisite measures include:
-- assist the development of extra-budgetary internal demand for advanced technologies and science-intensive products, and support export-oriented high-tech productions;
-- support non-raw materials industries working mostly to satisfy internal demand;
-- buttress the export possibilities of the fuel and energy and raw-materials complexes.
At the same time, we will continue working to create an investment climate attractive to foreign investors. Frankly speaking, the rise would be long and painful without foreign capital. But we have no time for this. Consequently, we must do our best to attract foreign capital to the country."
Forum-Besserwisser und Wissenschafts-Faschist