Wer an eine weiter Ölrallye glaubt der schaut sich folgende US-Titel an...
Offensive Öltitel
Marathon Oil (MRO)
Devon Energy (DVN)
Concho Resources (CXO)
Apache (APA)
Defensive Öltitel
ExxonMobil (XOM)
Chevron (CVX)
Offensive Öltitel
Marathon Oil (MRO)
Devon Energy (DVN)
Concho Resources (CXO)
Apache (APA)
Defensive Öltitel
ExxonMobil (XOM)
Chevron (CVX)
Trading is both, the easiest thing to do and also the most demanding thing you've ever done in your entire life. It can ruin your life, your family, and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your families, and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.