Opinion: Mr. Money Mustache: You can retire super early and have your money last for life
Here’s what you need to know, no side hustle required
Over the past year, the concept of very early retirement seems to have finally hit the mainstream, with dozens of stories appearing in major publications in the U.S. and Europe. The stories typically focus on a few individuals or families, profiling the ways they have streamlined their lifestyles for lower cost.
But the problem with most people who have retired before their 40th birthday is that they tend to be fairly driven people, packed with ideas and energy. Because of this, they usually end up with some sort of hobby business or side hustle even after this formal retirement. And this is great; working part-time on your own terms is a healthy way to stay engaged with the world and build new friendships.
But the downside of all this “side hustle” talk is that you can take it too far, and people start to think that early retirement is possible only if you keep making money afterwards.
Here’s what you need to know, no side hustle required
Over the past year, the concept of very early retirement seems to have finally hit the mainstream, with dozens of stories appearing in major publications in the U.S. and Europe. The stories typically focus on a few individuals or families, profiling the ways they have streamlined their lifestyles for lower cost.
But the problem with most people who have retired before their 40th birthday is that they tend to be fairly driven people, packed with ideas and energy. Because of this, they usually end up with some sort of hobby business or side hustle even after this formal retirement. And this is great; working part-time on your own terms is a healthy way to stay engaged with the world and build new friendships.
But the downside of all this “side hustle” talk is that you can take it too far, and people start to think that early retirement is possible only if you keep making money afterwards.