Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc.
| 17.09.2019, 13:32 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.09.2019, 13:50 von Boy Plunger.)
Aclaris Therapeutics’ A-101 45% Topical Solution Meets Primary and All Secondary Efficacy Endpoints in Pivotal Phase 3 Trial for the Treatment of Common Warts (THWART-2)
Aktuell vorbörslich: $1.81 +65%
Übernachthoch: $2.32
- Highly statistically significant results at the primary endpoint - statistical significance seen as early as Day 29
- Highly statistically significant results on all secondary efficacy endpoints
- WART-302 is the first of two Phase 3 pivotal trials for the NDA
- If approved, A-101 45% Topical Solution would be the first FDA approved prescription treatment for common warts
Aktuell vorbörslich: $1.81 +65%
Übernachthoch: $2.32
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