(10.10.2019, 17:43)Ca$hmandt schrieb: sagt wer?
Neben den implizierten Aussagen von Buffett und Kostolany (oben) hier auch eine sehr tief begründete von Brian Bollinger (SimplySafeDividends) in seinem 03/2018 Newsletter:
und weiter:
" ... Through that lens, some of the data in the table above is scary. The average decline during the S&P 500’s 25 corrections from all-time highs was 21%, but five of those corrections saw a loss between 30% and 60%. If an investor was forced to sell stocks (to make income ends meet) during any of those troughs, the impact on his retirement outlook could have been devastating.
However, I think the more interesting piece of information is the column on the far right, which measures how many days it took for the S&P 500 to get back to its previous all-time after peaking.
In other words, the peak-to-recovery time essentially represents how long an investor had to wait for their stocks to return to their full value recorded before the market started correcting from its all-time high; selling during this window would lock in a capital loss. The average peak-to-trough-to-recovery time across the 25 market corrections was 631 days, or about 1.7 years. (Not surprisingly, many financial advisors wisely recommend that retirees hold two to three years of living expenses in cash).
However, there were four bear markets that required investors to wait between three years and 7.5 years to see the market get back to a new record high. That’s a long time to stay patient and maintain faith in a buy-and-hold strategy.
As I’ve said before, I believe the only money one should invest in stocks is money he or she can financially and emotionally afford to leave untouched for at least five to 10 years. Short-term performance is just too unpredictable. If you have truly committed to that long-term holding period, you can sleep a lot better at night and worry less about where the market will go any given month, quarter, or year...."
Klar, Banker hat wohl mit Gewinn verkauft (sind ja auch noch im späten Bullenmarkt), aber was wäre gewesen, die Küche sollte her (wegen Hausfrieden etc.) wenn eine Korrektur o.ä. vorläge?
... hat was von Godot