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Cannabis Aktien und Co.

Cannabis Aktien und Co.

Cannabis und Co. 

Im Laufe der letzten Jahre ist der "Cannabis-Rausch" auch an der Börse angekommen.  Dunce-cap

Während es damit anfing, dass in Kanada immer mehr Cannabis-Firmen
an die Börse gingen, sind mittlerweile auch einige Marihuana-Firmen
in den USA an der Börse zu handeln. 

Mittlerweile gibt es auch einen ersten Cannabis-Fond

Aufgepasst, Anleger!
Erster deutscher Hanf-Aktienfonds startet

Die Marihuana-Branche hat in diesem Jahr einen echten Börsenhype durchlebt. 
Sicher konnten sich die Anleger aber wahrlich nie fühlen. 
Dafür schwankten die Aktien zu stark. 

Ein erster deutscher aktiv gemanagter Fonds will nun für den 
Einzelnen das Risiko senken. Investoren sollten jedoch vorsichtig sein.

... (von Till Bücker, Boerse.ard)
--> https://boerse.ard.de/anlageformen/fonds...et100.html

(Die Preise finde ich viel zu teuer)

Einen ETF gibt es natürlich auch schon ... 

Wie steht es derzeit um den Hype der Cannabis-Aktien – 
ist er etwa schon verraucht? 
Wir stellen Ihnen einen der wichtigsten ETFs der Branche vor, 
den Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF. 
Er basiert auf dem North American Marijuana Index.

... Mit einer recht hohen Volatilität ist also in jedem Fall zu rechnen, ...

--> https://boerse.ard.de/anlageformen/fonds...de100.html


RE: Cannabis und Co.

Opinion: How dangerous are marijuana stocks? Even a company with notable achievements has plunged

As I’ve long said, some investors will make millions in marijuana, but many more will lose a lot of money.

When I wrote “How to potentially become a marijuana millionaire, albeit carefully,” the most important word in the headline was “carefully.” When I first started writing that investors with less experience think that all they have to do is buy a few marijuana stocks and they will become rich, there was a lot of criticism. Many could not fathom as to why I was saying that. Since then, I have published many more examples, and investors who were previously criticizing are now beginning to understand.

Read: The collapse of this cannabis stock offers a valuable lesson to every investor




RE: Cannabis und Co.

Luxemburg legalisiert Cannabis für privaten Gebrauch

Künftig soll in Luxemburg jeder Erwachsene Cannabis herstellen, kaufen, besitzen und konsumieren dürfen. Die Einnahmen sollen in die Suchtprävention investiert werden.




RE: Cannabis und Co.

Machtkampf um Patente - Thailand will Cannabis legalisieren

Bereits seit Jahrhunderten ist Marihuana ein Teil der thailändischen traditionellen Medizin. Nun steht das Land vor der Legalisierung für medizinische Zwecke. Die Vorfreude ausländischer Unternehmen auf diesen lukrativen Markt ist groß. In Thailand löst sie jedoch Sorge aus.




RE: Cannabis und Co.

Börsenexperte Cramer sieht trotz Cronos-Altria-Deal mehr Potenzial in einer anderen Hanf-Aktie

Die milliardenschwere Beteiligung des Marlboro-Herstellers Altria am kanadischen Cannabis-Unternehmen Cronos war einer der größten Beteiligungsdeals in der noch jungen Marihuana-Branche. Börsenexperte Jim Cramer sieht aber in einem anderen Branchenvertreter deutlich höhere Performance-Möglichkeiten.




RE: Cannabis und Co.

Marijuana IPOs in 2019: These companies could be the next hot pot stocks

U.S. companies, especially those that don’t actually touch the cannabis, are expected to aim for listings

As 2018 draws to a close and the reality of recreational marijuana in Canada sinks in, the next round of initial public offerings in the cannabis sector will likely come from U.S.-based companies looking to raise cash.

For Canadian companies, the IPO party is most likely just about over, according to ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF MJ, +2.53%  partner Jason Wilson, who doesn’t expect a swath of freshly capitalized Canadian companies to list in 2019. At the close of this year, there are already dozens of publicly traded firms in the chilly country battling one another for the recreational market that has kicked off with more of a whimper than a bang.




RE: Cannabis und Co.

Cannabis-IPOs: Diese Unternehmen könnten 2019 den Gang an die Börse wagen

Cannabis-Aktien haben im vergangenen Jahr einen regelrechten Hype erlebt - besonders Kanada stand dabei im Fokus. Auch in diesem Jahr dürften wieder einige Marihuana-Unternehmen den Gang auf das Börsenparkett wagen, dieses Mal wohl aber vermehrt in den Vereinigten Staaten.




RE: Cannabis und Co.

Tilray and Other Marijuana Stocks Set to Grow in 2019, According to a Top Analyst

It should get easier to buy legal marijuana in 2019, an analyst said Tuesday, as companies like Canopy Growth (CGC) and Tilray (TLRY) overcome the supply problems that hobbled them in the fall when recreational pot use became legal in Canada.

Cowen analyst Vivien Azer, in her annual outlook, also predicted that packaging supplier KushCo Holdings (KSHB) will grow by triple digits, as marijuana demand grows in U.S. states like California, Nevada, and Massachusetts.

Azer is a key opinion leader as Wall Street cautiously considers the volatile world of marijuana stocks. She reiterated her Outperform ratings on Canopy Growth stock, Tilray stock, and KushCo stock. But increasing cannabis use seems to be coming at the expense of beer sales, she said in her report. By 2030, Azer forecasts, cannabis sales in the U.S. will grow to $80 billion. That’s compared to about $50 billion today, both legal and illegal.




RE: Cannabis und Co.

Cannabis stocks fall after attorney general nominee's comments about marijuana

At a confirmation hearing Tuesday, attorney general nominee William Barr said that the current system around marijuana laws is 'untenable' and he personally supports prohibiting marijuana across the U.S. But, Barr said that under the current set of laws he would not go after cannabis businesses that comply with state regulations and a rescinded Justice Department memo.




RE: Cannabis und Co.

High Times: The Marijuana ETF Soars To Start 2019

After slumping in the fourth quarter, the ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF (NYSE: MJ), the only dedicated cannabis exchange traded fund listed in the United States, is off to a scintillating start in 2019.

MJ is up 22.69 percent since the start of 2019, making it the best-performing non-leveraged ETF in January.

What To Know

Year-to-date, just 36 U.S.-listed ETFs are up at least 20 percent and MJ is the only member of that group that is not an inverse or leveraged fund. MJ slumped nearly 22 percent in 2018 with much of those losses contained to the fourth quarter despite a slew of positive post-Election Day news pertaining to increased legalization of marijuana across the U.S.




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Notiz Aurora Cannabis Ca$hmandt 13 10.527 16.01.2021, 21:52
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