(05.04.2021, 16:32)bimbes schrieb: MSFT hat die >+500% erreicht
Kauf 04/14
momentan >700%
....und die ZUkunft?
Schreiben wir die +22% fort....
"Microsoft beats revenue expectations, reporting 22% growth"
Verdopplung in 3,5 Jahren

Hoffentlich vorab ein Split
Corrections are usually over very quickly, and they're traditionally painless to long-term investors.
Experience is what you get, if you expect anything else!
Alles ist Zahl - die Vollkommenen --> 6; 28; 496; 8128; 33550336; 8589869056
Corrections are usually over very quickly, and they're traditionally painless to long-term investors.
Experience is what you get, if you expect anything else!
Alles ist Zahl - die Vollkommenen --> 6; 28; 496; 8128; 33550336; 8589869056