(14.03.2024, 12:02)bimbes schrieb: CMI für den Tausch eingereicht
Stockholders who beneficially own "odd-lots" (less than 100 shares) of Cummins Common Stock and who validly tender all of their shares will not be subject to proration. Direct or beneficial holders of 100 or more shares of Cummins Common Stock will be subject to proration. In addition, shares (or units in respect of shares) held on behalf of participants in the RSP (each of which holds more than 100 shares of Cummins Common Stock) will be subject to proration.
werde CMI wohl zurück/nachkaufen...
nach Zahlen
1x CMI in 12,0298 ATMU
Kurs gestern CMI: 270,24 heute 264
ATMU heute: 26,82
delta in cash ca. 52 USD pro Cummins Aktie

Corrections are usually over very quickly, and they're traditionally painless to long-term investors.
Experience is what you get, if you expect anything else!
Alles ist Zahl - die Vollkommenen --> 6; 28; 496; 8128; 33550336; 8589869056
Corrections are usually over very quickly, and they're traditionally painless to long-term investors.
Experience is what you get, if you expect anything else!
Alles ist Zahl - die Vollkommenen --> 6; 28; 496; 8128; 33550336; 8589869056