Johnson & Johnson
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Quelle war Wallstreet Journal.
Kann ja vorkommen, dass Aktienkurse sich verändern. *scnr* ![]() (17.12.2018, 10:44)Banker schrieb: Die Geschichte ist natürlich böse. Da gibt es auch überhaupt nichts schön zu reden. Heute bzw. gestern kann man erste Auswirkungen des Asbest-Themas sehen. Eine Jury in Kalifornien hat einer Frau eine Entschädigungssumme von 29 Mio. USD zugesagt, weil sie angibt durch das Babypuder Krebs bekommen zu haben. Das Urteil wird jetzt angefochten, wenn man den Insidern und "Besserwissern" in den US-Internetseiten Glauben schenkt ist Kalifornien schon häufiger mit Urteilen aufgefallen, die am Ende wieder eingefangen wurden durch Berufungsgerichte. Aber das Thema ist nicht weg, auch wenn es die letzten Wochen ruhig darum wurde. Im Post-Trading sind JNJ gestern 2% gefallen. Das Risiko eines Präzendenzfalls ist immer gegeben.
Johnson & Johnson Rises After Topping First-Quarter Earnings Forecasts
Healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson reports first-quarter earnings lower than a year earlier but still above analysts' forecasts. ... The company reported first-quarter net income of $3.75 billion, or $2.10 an adjusted share, vs. $4.37 billion, or $1.39 a share, a year earlier. Analysts polled by FactSet had been expecting per share earnings of $2.04. Sales held flat on a year-over-year basis at approximately $20 billion. The company narrowed its full-year earnings forecast to a range of $8.53 to $8.63 a share, down from its previous estimate of between $8.50 and $8.65. It didn't change its projected sales of $80.4 billion to $81.2 billion. ... ![]() __________________
Johnson & Johnson Rises After Topping First-Quarter Earnings Forecasts
Healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson reports first-quarter earnings lower than a year earlier but still above analysts' forecasts. ... The company reported first-quarter net income of $3.75 billion, or $2.10 an adjusted share, vs. $4.37 billion, or $1.39 a share, a year earlier. Analysts polled by FactSet had been expecting per share earnings of $2.04. Sales held flat on a year-over-year basis at approximately $20 billion. The company narrowed its full-year earnings forecast to a range of $8.53 to $8.63 a share, down from its previous estimate of between $8.50 and $8.65. It didn't change its projected sales of $80.4 billion to $81.2 billion. ... ![]() __________________
JNJ erhöht die Dividende um 5,6% auf $0,95c. JNJ gehört damit weiterhin zu den ganz, ganz wenigen Konzernen, die >30 Jahre um >5% die Dividende erhöhen! JNJ, APD, MKC (KO ist seit diesem Jahr raus)
Ist ein tolles Unternehmen, auch wenn die Dividendensteigerungen - wie bei vielen anderen Unternehmen - sich verlangsamen.
Sieht mir eher nach unterdurchschnitlicher Erhöhung aus. Durch 2017 kann ich da erstmal keinen eindeutigen Trend erkennen: April 2011 - von 2.16 auf 2.28 (5.6%) April 2012 - von 2.28 auf 2.44 (7.0%) April 2013 - von 2.44 auf 2.64 (8.2%) April 2014 - von 2.64 auf 2.80 (6.1%) April 2015 - von 2.80 auf 3.00 (7.1%) April 2016 - von 3.00 auf 3.20 (6.7%) April 2017 - von 3.20 auf 3.36 (5.0%) April 2018 - von 3.36 auf 3.60 (7.1%) April 2019 - von 3.60 auf 3.80 (5.6%)
J&J Stock Dives As Feds Reportedly Seek Criminal Probe Into Talc Powders
Johnson & Johnson stock tumbled Friday on reports the Department of Justice is seeking a criminal investigation into allegations [b]J&J[/b] (JNJ) lied about possible cancer risks of its talc powders. In midday trading on the stock market today, J&J stock skidded 4.5%, near 133.90, in hefty volume. Johnson & Johnson stock hit its lowest point since early June. The criminal investigation was first reported by Bloomberg early Friday. The Justice Department itself hasn't confirmed the investigation. It would run alongside a probefrom the Securities and Exchange Commission, and lawsuits from consumers who say J&J talc powder is responsible for their cancer. Johnson & Johnson representatives didn't immediately return a request for comment from Investor's Business Daily. Feds Dig Into Allegations Of Cancer Risk In December, a report from Reuters alleged J&J had known its talc powders contained cancer-causing asbestos for nearly 50 years. The company has called the report "an absurd conspiracy theory," but it has weighed on Johnson & Johnson stock since. Two months later, the Justice Department, SEC and U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., requested more information regarding the talc powders. Now, the Justice Department is seeking a criminal probe, according to unnamed sources cited by Bloomberg. A grand jury is reportedly examining documents outlining what the company knew about the cancer risks of their talc powders. Talc Powders Weigh On Johnson & Johnson Stock Talc powders generate a small portion of the company's massive sales. In the first quarter, all baby care products brought in $394 million in sales, accounting for less than 2% of more than $20 billion in sales. Still, it's a notable household brand for the Dow Jones component.
J&J (JNJ) Beats on Q2 Earnings, Ups 2019 Sales Growth View
Johnson & Johnson’s JNJ second-quarter 2019 earnings came in at $2.58 per share, which beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.42 and increased 22.9% from the year-ago period. Adjusted earnings exclude gain from the divesture of Advanced Sterilization Products business in April, after-tax intangible amortization expense and some special items. Including these items, J&J reported second-quarter earnings of $2.08 per share, up 43.4% from the year-ago quarter. Sales of the drug and consumer products giant came in at $20.56 billion, which beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $20.32 billion. Sales declined 1.3% from the year-ago quarter, reflecting an operational increase of 1.6%, which was offset by an unfavorable currency impact of 2.9%. ... ![]() __________________ | ||
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