| 25.01.2024, 16:02 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.01.2024, 16:05 von Boy Plunger.)
Aktien sind langfristig die beste Anlageklasse!
Grafik zeigt Real-Rendite (nach Abzug der Inflation)
Gewinne in Bullenmärkten sind gräßer, als die Verluste im Bärenmarkt!
Wir sind selbst aufgrund unsere angobrenes Verhalten unser größter Feind!
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
| 25.01.2024, 16:06 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.01.2024, 16:12 von Boy Plunger.)
Der Aktienmarkt und unser Verhalten
Es gibt immer einen "intelligenten Grund" zu verkaufen!
Ignoriere Vorhersagen und Prognosen der "angeblichen Experten"!
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
| 25.01.2024, 16:12 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.01.2024, 16:12 von Boy Plunger.)
Kurzfristig ist die Bewertung der wichtigste Performance-Faktor!
Langfristig ist die Umsatz- und Margenentwicklkung der wichtigste Performance-Faktor!
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
| 25.01.2024, 16:24 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.01.2024, 16:31 von Boy Plunger.)
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
Die Frage ist ja, ob die vergangene Performance eine Aussage über die Zukunft gibt?
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
Die Frage ist ja, ob die vergangene Performance eine Aussage über die Zukunft gibt?
es kommt darauf an?
Interessante Brandauflistung, doch haben alle einen Burggraben, gelingt die Abgrenzung?
Gibt es Gründe für die Performance in der Vergangenheit?
Und was sollte die Performance in der Zukunft ändern?