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RE: Bitcoin

"Kann durchaus auf null fallen" - Öl-Milliardär wettet auf Bitcoin

Bitcoin hat einen neuen Fan: Kjell Inge Rokke. Der Milliardär ist einer der reichsten Norweger und eigentlich im Erdöl-Geschäft unterwegs. Und er traut Bitcoin eine glänzende Zukunft zu - allerdings könne der Kurs auch implodieren.


Während über den Sinn und Unsinn von Bitcoin debattiert wird, hat sich Kjell Inge Rokke entschieden: Das Unternehmensgeflecht des Norwegers, Aker, investiert in die Kryptowährung. Aker ist vor allem im Ölgeschäft unterwegs. 


Rokkes Investment in Bitcoin ist Bloomberg zufolge vergleichsweise gering. Es beläuft sich zunächst auf umgerechnet 58 Millionen Dollar. Aker will nicht nur Bitcoin kaufen, sondern steckt das Geld auch in Unternehmen, die mit der Kryptowährung und mit Blockchain zu tun haben.




RE: Bitcoin

Bitcoin closes its second-best week ever: 5 things to watch in BTC this week

$50,000 support remains elusive but data suggests that the Bitcoin bull run is still "sustainable" with few sellers lined up.

Bitcoin (BTC) starts a new week on a firmly bullish note as stocks tumble and BTC managed to close the week above $50,000.

After a mixed performance last week that saw multiple tests of $46,000, buyer support is entering and BTC/USD is within 15% of all-time highs.

Cointelegraph takes a look at what might lie in store for traders in the coming days with five factors likely to affect Bitcoin price action.




RE: Bitcoin

Bitcoin works as 'digital gold' - Fidelity
Mar. 01, 2021 12:32 PM ETBitcoin USD (BTC-USD)By: Stephen Alpher, SA News Editor
  • The Director of Global Macro for Fidelity Global Asset Allocation, Jurrien Timmer, appears to be fully on board with Bitcoin (BTC-USD), saying the crypto has both a compelling supply and demand dynamic. And with a current asset value of just $900B vs. gold's $11T and total global financial assets of $160T, there's still plenty of upside.
  • Timmer: "If Bitcoin is a legitimate store of value, is scarcer than gold, and comes complete with potentially exponential demand dynamic, then is it now worth considering for inclusion in a portfolio?" The question, he says, may no longer be "whether," but instead "how much?"


Corrections are usually over very quickly, and they're traditionally painless to long-term investors.

Experience is what you get, if you expect anything else!
Alles ist Zahl - die Vollkommenen --> 6; 28; 496; 8128; 33550336; 8589869056


RE: Bitcoin

Bitcoin price cracks major resistance as analyst eyes $70K 'destiny'

An overnight move higher sees local highs of $54,500 and fresh hope that support levels will now focus on $50,000.

Bitcoin (BTC) tackled pivotal $52,000 resistance overnight on March 9 to come within 6% of historical all-time highs.




RE: Bitcoin

Want to be rich? Bitcoin’s limited supply cap means you only need 0.01 BTC

In 10 years Bitcoin’s finite supply will be nearly exhausted, meaning holders might only need 0.01 BTC to become filthy rich.

While purchasing 0.01 Bitcoin (BTC) might cost only $500 today, current trends in global wealth distribution and the inevitable realization of Bitcoin's limited supply could result in 0.01 BTC being worth $1 million in the future.

According to Credit Suisse's "Global Wealth Report 2020", there are 51.9 million individuals with a net worth surpassing $1 million. The index considers a person's net worth, along with their financial and real estate assets, while al deducting their debts and liabilities.

Despite representing just 1% of the global population (excluding children), millionaires own 43% of the world's wealth.

According to Credit Suisse's individual wealth breakdown, 175,700 people were worth more than $50 million. Of these, 55,800 were worth at least $100 million, and 4,410 had wealth over $500 million.


In the future, the wealthy will fight for 0.01 BTC

In addition to the certified millionaires, there are 590 million individuals whose net worth exceeds $100,000. These people shouldn't be disregarded as potential holders, even though their purchasing power is less.




RE: Bitcoin

Ethereum und Bitcoin Cash - Börse plant mehr Handel mit Kryptowährung


Die Deutsche Börse baut ihr Angebot für den Handel mit Kryptowährungen aus. Anleger könnten künftig Finanzprodukte handeln, die mit den Kryptowährungen Ethereum und Bitcoin Cash physisch besichert sind, teilte die Deutsche Börse mit. Seit Juni 2020 hat der Börsenbetreiber bereits ein solches Produkt für Bitcoin im Angebot.




RE: Bitcoin

BTC White paper Fidelity


> Before the days of fiat money—when the price of gold was mostly fixed—gold was money and
little more (exclusive of jewelry, medicine, electronics, and other commercial uses). Without the
ability to compound, gold did not stand a chance against equities except during periods of high
inflation or, more so, hyperinflation. But that changed during the 1970s when the gold price was
allowed to float freely and reflect monetary conditions around the world. Whereas in the old days
bonds beat gold 2-to-1, since 1970, gold and bonds have been neck-and-neck in terms of returns.

Which brings me to the 60/40 paradigm. If gold is now competitive with bonds, and bond yields
are near zero (or negative), could it make sense to replace some of a portfolio’s nominal bond
exposure with gold and assets that behave like gold? Many have already done so, whether via
inflation-protected Treasuries, low-duration bank loans, or commodities—and opportunity cost
of such a shift has become less and less. In my view, the only question may be, how much?

If bitcoin is a legitimate store of value, is scarcer than gold, and comes complete with a
potentially exponential demand dynamic, then is it now worth considering for inclusion in
a portfolio (at some prudent level and at least alongside other alternatives, such as real estate,
commodities, and certain index-linked securities)? Despite the many risks discussed—including
such factors as volatility, competitors, and policy intervention—for some the answer may well
be “yes,” at least insofar as that “yes” applies only to components on the 40 side of 60/40.
For those investors, the question of bitcoin may no longer be “whether” but “how much?

Angehängte Dateien        


Corrections are usually over very quickly, and they're traditionally painless to long-term investors.

Experience is what you get, if you expect anything else!
Alles ist Zahl - die Vollkommenen --> 6; 28; 496; 8128; 33550336; 8589869056

RE: Bitcoin

Wenn Zinsen steigen und Gold deswegen fällt, und Bitcoin mit Gold verglichen wird - warum fällt dann Bitcoin nicht?

RE: Bitcoin

Weil der BTC-Preis (wie auch der Goldpreis) nicht monokausal am amerikanischen Zinssatz hängt. Der Realzins ist negativ (auch in den USA), Geld wird gedruckt als gäbe es kein Morgen und Institutionelle entdecken Bitcoin, da ist es schwierig mit dem fallen.


RE: Bitcoin

(09.03.2021, 10:25)Ca$hmandt schrieb: Want to be rich? Bitcoin’s limited supply cap means you only need 0.01 BTC

In 10 years Bitcoin’s finite supply will be nearly exhausted, meaning holders might only need 0.01 BTC to become filthy rich.

While purchasing 0.01 Bitcoin (BTC) might cost only $500 today, current trends in global wealth distribution and the inevitable realization of Bitcoin's limited supply could result in 0.01 BTC being worth $1 million in the future.

According to Credit Suisse's "Global Wealth Report 2020", there are 51.9 million individuals with a net worth surpassing $1 million. The index considers a person's net worth, along with their financial and real estate assets, while al deducting their debts and liabilities.

Despite representing just 1% of the global population (excluding children), millionaires own 43% of the world's wealth.

According to Credit Suisse's individual wealth breakdown, 175,700 people were worth more than $50 million. Of these, 55,800 were worth at least $100 million, and 4,410 had wealth over $500 million.


In the future, the wealthy will fight for 0.01 BTC

In addition to the certified millionaires, there are 590 million individuals whose net worth exceeds $100,000. These people shouldn't be disregarded as potential holders, even though their purchasing power is less.



mal rechnen...

1 Bitcoin wäre dann bei 100 Mio
21 Mio Bitcoins wären dann 2,1 Billiarden wert ( also 2100 Billionen
damit könnte man dann über 1000 mal Apple (1,9 Billionen Marktkap) kaufen

auf Englisch wären das 2,1 Quadrillions oder 2100 Trillions

Nakamo Satoshi hat ja - so wird vermutet - ca. 1 Mio Bitcoins
das wären dann ca. 100 Billionen Dollar (also 100 x 1000 Milliarden)
auf Englisch sind das 100 Trillions (also 100 x 1000 Billions)
er alleine könnte dann also über 50 x Apple kaufen

Da wäre Jeff Bezos dann mit 170 Mrd eine arme Kirchenmaus

Nakamo Satoshi wäre dann genauso reich wie 588 mal Jeff Bezos

Irgendwie erinnert mich das an meine Kindheit als wir Monopoly ohne Limit gespielt haben.
Ohne Limit heisst keine Begrenzung der Häuser. Wir haben dann Mensch-Ärger-Dich-Nicht-Figuren und Dame-Steine
genommen um Häuser zu bauen - das waren dann je Figur/Stein 10, 100 oder 1000 Häuser.
Geldscheine haben wir auch selber gemacht. Einmal auf die Schloss-Strasse und 40 Mio waren fällig.
Wer nicht zahlen konnte hat Schuldscheine geschrieben. Nach ein paar Stunden hatte der eine zig Billionen Vermögen
der andere zig Billionen in Schuldscheinen - der eine dachte es gehört ihm die ganze Welt der andere hat sich so arm
gefühlt das er geheult hat. Kinder können so grausam sein...

Heute gehört uns Bitcoin und morgen die ganze Welt.... lalalala..tirili tirili tirila...hoppsasa

Hoffentlich drucken die Notenbanken genug Geld damit das dann auch jemand bezahlen kann....


Möglicherweise verwandte Themen…
Thema Verfasser Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
Notiz Gewichtung Bitcoin im Portfolio Peter1963 158 77.192 02.08.2021, 17:43
Letzter Beitrag: Lancelot
Notiz Bitcoin - wohin bis Jahresende? Speculatius 15 9.356 10.06.2021, 13:41
Letzter Beitrag: Mr. Passiv

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