Gute Analyse, insbesondere der Anleihensituation:
Durchschnittlicher Effektivzins Junkbonds knapp 7%, Tesla liegt bei über 9%, also schlechteres Rating.
Was Ausgaben angeht, aus dem Artikel:
"The CFO and Musk will be busy reviewing and signing off on janitorial department purchases of cleaning materials and toilet paper. The hope is that this amount of work will keep Musk off Twitter, but those hopes too will be dashed.
The company has already undergone waves of layoffs. Now the CFO and Musk are themselves looking at cleaning supplies to reduce the cash burn.
So let me give you, Dear Elon, a little piece of personal advice: I only ran a small company, a Ford dealership and subsidiaries with 250 employees. And I kept my eyes closely on expenses. But let me tell you, Dear Elon, that in even such a small and local operation, there are many thousands of expense items every month!
But Tesla is a large, global, complex manufacturing, distribution, and retail operation, and you, Dear Elon, will have no idea what most of these expense items are and what they’re for unless you ask the responsible manager. This, Dear Elon, takes a HUGE amount of time. Trying to do this for a company the size of Tesla shows that you are:
Either clueless about running a complex manufacturing, distribution, and retail operation,
Or so desperate that you can’t think straight any longer,
Or willing to say anything no matter how silly just to boost the shares,
Or all of the above.