Was immer wir mit diesem Planeten vorhaben, was immer wir aufbauen oder zerstören wollen...
Wir glauben, alles unter Kontrolle zu haben. Aber wir werden immer wieder daran erinnert, dass die Natur stärker ist. Letzten Endes liegt die Macht bei der Natur.
Trading is both, the easiest thing to do and also the most demanding thing you've ever done in your entire life. It can ruin your life, your family, and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your families, and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
Zitat:„Wir müssen sagen, was wir denken, müssen tun, was wir sagen, und müssen sein, was wir tun.“
- Alfred Herrhausen
Trading is both, the easiest thing to do and also the most demanding thing you've ever done in your entire life. It can ruin your life, your family, and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your families, and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
Der Decoy-Effekt: Wie Entscheidungen manipuliert werden
Trading is both, the easiest thing to do and also the most demanding thing you've ever done in your entire life. It can ruin your life, your family, and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your families, and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
Zitat:„Was die Herde am meisten hasst, ist der Andersdenkende. Es geht nicht so sehr um die Meinung selbst, sondern um die Kühnheit, selbst denken zu wollen, etwas, das sie nicht können.“
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Trading is both, the easiest thing to do and also the most demanding thing you've ever done in your entire life. It can ruin your life, your family, and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your families, and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.